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E5830 Free Unlock released!

A damn typo prevented
the previous unlock to work on some computers/os.

Now everything is fixed and tested on a lot of computers.
The program works 100%.

If the program gives you a COM error, quit/kill WIFI MANAGER
and try again.


There is no virus in the file.
It's protected code and Antiviruses don't like it.

Run the program with your card connected.

The program has been tested under Windows XP/VISTA/Windows7.
This program works even inside a virtual machine in MAC OS/X.

Donate Using the browser my program opens.
Then enter the paypal confirmation number of your donation and press CR.
(Case sensitive!)

It will unlock your E5830 in 15 seconds.

Send me an email if you need an unlimited version.
(Unlimited number of unlocks)

And leave a comment!



  1. I was sceptical but this does actually work! Currently using a Voda SIM in my Three branded mifi.

  2. Glad to hear it. I would be even more glad to see a donation.

  3. Hi,
    Works with E5832 also? What wireless settings are needed in modem? Some specific encryption? SSID must be visible, or can be hide also?

  4. Yes. E5832 is the same card.
    No specific settings.
    After unlock you will just have to set the correct APN for the new simcard.

  5. Zibri! Good to see that you're still blogging. I used to translate for your ZiPhone Hong Kong site, and am now working for Engadget. Hope your family's well. :)

  6. Hi Richard! Good to hear you got a job :)

  7. call me stupid BUT....

    you install the software on ya PC and plug in the mifivia USB, then run the Zibri software?

  8. Yes.

    0) Use windows XP.
    1) Plug the e5830.
    2) Run the software.
    3) Enter the correct post title.
    4) Click Unlock.
    5) Donate :)

  9. thanks !! all looks kinda simple..

    will go and buy one in the morning and give it a go!! the 3 mobile version in the UK, do you know if you can change the settings using

  10. Thanks.... Your blog helps me unlock this successfully... finally, i got my portable hotspot for iPad(WiFi only)... Thanks again.

  11. did not work for me, amd it sent my anti virus stupid!! as it thinks it's win32/themida ?

    Also the key did not work as the header had changed...........Any ideas???

  12. Dopo inumerevoli tentativi alla fine ha funzionato!
    Come suggeritomi avevo anche provato da xp, non so come ne perchè, ma dopo giorni di tentativi alla fine il programma ha fatto il suo dovere, ultimo tentativo fatto da win7.

    Grazie ancora.

    PS: donazione fatta!(era un dovere oltre che un piacere.)

  13. Thanks Vito!

    Se vuoi fai una guida e spiega bene come usarlo.

  14. Jason:

    1) Disable antivirus.

    2) Different date = different POST TITLE.

  15. Zibri...
    any chance to unlock the iphone 3gs 3.1.3 ?
    regards from Brazil!

  16. May i know do i need insert orginial sim card(eg. E5830 lock by "3") to unlock it?

  17. Just unlocked my mifi and it now works on t mobile and 3, o2.

  18. Will it only run on XP? Using W7 and it's not finding the file/path/device.


  19. I don't know. I don't have windows 7 on my PCs.

    Some people managed to make it work on windows 7.

  20. Thanks for the prompt reply. I figured out what was wrong.

    Thanks again. Donation on it's way.

  21. Thanks Scott. As of now only 10% of people using it donated...
    But I'm taking note of everyone who ever donated.. next time only previous donators will have a program, the others will have to pay.
    Sadly.. because I want software to be free and donation based, but many people think that donationware means free.

  22. It says unlocked but I still can't get my vodaphone sim to work..

  23. If it says unlocked, then it is. If the sim doesn't work must be for some other reason (settings or whatever).
    If you still have problems, put your email or msn contact in a comment (I won't publish it) and I'll contact you.

  24. Hi. You said
    Run the program with your card
    connected and a SIM in it.
    Does it mean any SIM or the original SIM?

  25. @pop3212004

    I think any sim will do.
    I used the original, someone else used another sim. It worked anyhow.

  26. Thankyou so much for this Zibri, you are amazing! I have unlocked the modem to at least one other network (It was on 3, and I unlocked it for T-mobile). I wanted to unlock it to every network as I am going abroad and will need to use a foreign sim card but I don't know which one yet. Does anybody know if once you have unlocked it (e.g for an Orange sim) would you have to unlock a 2nd time for use on a Vodafone sim, or will it already be unlocked for every network?

    I'm sorry for the extremely long post. And Zibri, I did try to donate but paypal was coming up with error messages in a language I don't understand. I'll be on again tomorrow to try again, please tell me your email address so I can do it directly from my paypal account. Also, why don't you have an about me section on your blog? Thanks from Annie.

    PS. I can't believe some of the questions on this post (mine was stupid too I know, but I am a stupid woman and can't help it :)

  27. @Close Protection, I think I had the same problem with my Tmobile sim. I had to set up the mobile broadband (i.e I already had £10 topped up, but I had to use the tmobile dongle to pay £2 for a months access) then when I put it in the E5830 modem it worked :)

  28. annie: you don't need to unlock it for any network.. once the card is unlocked it's unlocked for any sim you put in it :) try to click on donate button on this blog.. I don't know why that link comes up in italian :(

  29. Ok the donation link at the end of the Unlock procedure has been fixed.

    Redownload program.

  30. thanks for the program. running the program shows that the huawei is unlocked, but there is still no way to change the APN settings in the 3WIFI Manager.
    THe APN settings are still locked! ??

  31. great :) many thanks from Poland :)

  32. @Zibri, thanks. I can confirm the unlock works even without the 3UK sim card. Great job.

  33. @Everyone

    Please DONATE if you don't want this to be the last free program.

  34. Hi, I tried unlock e5838 and the program return "Unlocked." just 1-2 seconds. Any idea.

  35. Hi zibri,

    I managed to get "unlocked" message but how do i know if the device is really unlocked or not. is there any way to test it? upon confirmation of unlocking, i am ready to move to stage 5)


  36. Just put another SIM inside then configure the right APN and try to connect.

    Many people say my proghram doesn't work just because they are not even able to configure an APN or they don't have a dataplan.

  37. Good idea, but it doesn't work!!!
    I have startet the program more than 100 times, but never found any post with the shown date! (huawei unlock)

  38. @cuborg what?!?!

    you have to enter the post title of the post posted at the date the program gives you. The pc must be running windows xp (even if many could run it on vista and w7 too) and must be connected to the internet.
    You must be administrator and give the program full privileges.

  39. Hi Zibri. Firstly thanks for your work. I have a strange problem - I've tried your telnet enabler on an E5830 and it works fine - I can telnet in. However, the unlocker doesn't seem to have done anything - it does say "Working..." with the status indicator, and then reports "Unlocked.". However, on the web interface for the unit under "Connection" I get "The SIM card has not been detected or is invalid". Same with the Three WiFi manager. Any ideas what might be the problem? The unlocker is version Thank you very much for your help.

  40. NB: yes. if three wifi manager doesn't work, then my unlock doesn't work too.

    It's a driver problem many had on Windows 7.

    I don't know how they solved it.. I have windows XP.

  41. Hi. I am getting the com error on windows 7 with a E5832. What do you mean by quitting the wifi manager? what should I do exactly? Thanks!

  42. @Para If the program gives you a COM error, quit/kill WIFI MANAGER
    and try again.Mean completly close WIFI MANAGER program

  43. Im using windows 7. I do not use a wifi manager program. Could you be more specific? Its kind of urgent. Thanks

  44. I don't have windows 7 and I know it can happen on some windows 7 pc (I don't know why).

    Quick solution:
    find a pc with windows XP.

    Slow solution:
    ask around in some forum.

  45. Thanks for the unlock. Hope you got the donation.

  46. Thanks Zibri. Unlocked my device with no problems. Hope you got the donation okay.

  47. Yes, Alastair, got it! Thanks! I answered you!

  48. Unfortunately only a small percentage of people donates :( But I am happy and I thank anybody who supported my work.

  49. Unfortunately i wasn´t able to use the program. I tried it with a friends PC (Win 7 + VM + compatibility mode) and with my Mac + Parallels with XP. The program asks me to "connect card". I restarted the device and the program several times, but it didn´t work. Do you have any idea?

  50. Philip: try to find a real XP machine. Not a VM.

  51. Tried with different dates many many times, no luck so far!

    I run this on vista with microsoft security essentials as antivirus ( turned off real time protection), but not getting the unlock buton.

    Zibri, do you think microsoft security essentials is the trouble maker?


  52. suniil: I really don't know. I had many people reporting successes with any OS.. though with windows7 they had to do something to make it work. The problem is not my program but the e5830 drivers not properly installed.
    Anyhow you must give my program full privileges so to access registry keys related to serial ports.

  53. Thanks Zibri for instant reply, but getting the unlock button is just matching up with your blog headers. Am I right? Thanks

  54. Success. Once my Windows 7 machine opened the E5830, the unlock worked like a charm. Thanks for putting it together! Don

  55. Zibri,

    It said unlocked, I even got the paypal link. Therefore when I tried to change the APN and save it, it says:

    This page prompts you the errors in the process of modifying the settings of the 3G Wireless Modem.


    Wait for 3 seconds, and then click Continue, or you can refresh this page.

    ps, i will donate for sure u deserve it

  56. You just need to understand how to change the APN.. I can;'t teach it here. Your card *IS* unlocked. Settings are another thing.

  57. What chance have I got to unlock with a MacBook? If this a ni
    On starter I can try and do this on someones PC thanks Richard

  58. Richard: I don't have a Mac.. I think chances are near to 0 but you can try in a virtual machine.

    Easiest way: find a friend with a pc running xp :)

  59. Hi,

    This question is probably premature, but do you have any idea whether your unlock will work with the new e585 device 3 are about to sell?

  60. @Paul: I don't know but I think the method will be very similar.

    I'll let you know when someone will send me one.

  61. I upgraded the firmware to 666. on the E5830 then applied the unlock patch. It confirmed that it was unlocked, confirmed unlocked by DC unlocker as well. Problem is that it won't recognise another Sim, I have tried many. Error is an invalid Sim and the signal light is red. Any ideas? Thanks,

  62. It never happened to me.
    If someone sends me such a unit I can see what's the problem.

  63. Exactly, which firmware are u using with correctly working unlock?
    Could you post it?
    Thank you!

  64. Found out what the issue was. Don't upgrade firmware before unlocking.

  65. I tested the unlock with the original 3UK firmware obviously. But I think it works also with the brightpoint fw..

  66. Mirror was down. It's now up again.

  67. Zibri , I would love to donate , but as spartacus said above , doesnt seem to have worked. The dashboard is locked to '3uk' , so i downloaded the huawei generic one (WiFi mobile Partner). The E5830 is not picked up by this software. So i update the firmware on the device and change the profile and APN using the admin pages on the device itself. Still not manage to get the device to use a O2 sim .. message is "SIM is fauly or is not present" This happens with any sim i use that is not a '3UK' sim. As soon as i put my original 3 sim in then all works fine again. I tried Dc-unlocker but the massage ( even before i tried your unlock said that the device was not sim locked .. and that simply does not seem to be the case. I unlocked a E169G earlier with no hassles) Do you have any thoughts?.. thanks

  68. Very strange behaviour. On any e5830 I tested my program it worked flawlessly.

  69. will this work on the new E585?

  70. This program should not work on the new E585.
    I will get an E585 in a few days and release a new program.

  71. BIG NEWS!

    I unlocked the e585 too..


    Stay tuned!

  72. @virginia:

    not true.
    both links work.

  73. It seems that the program could not communicate with the modem. I used Windows XP. Any comments please?

  74. That happens in two cases:

    1) 3 wifi manager is running.

    2) incorrect device installation.

    cleanup your system and reinstall drivers for the e5.

  75. At the end of unlock process get External exception C000001D message. Is it bad?

  76. @ adenisov: Sometimes that can happen, but your card should be already unlocked by then.

  77. @ TRUMPY: the unlock works 100%. Write me an email. And I'll try to understand your own problem.

  78. tried it and didnt work downloaded the version 3 software donated then paste the id says its unlocked but when i try and connect to doesnt work for somereason any thoughts?

  79. Maybe you have another device with the same ip address..

    Do this: disconnect it from pc, connect to it using wifi and change it's IP address in the settings menu under DHCP server change all 192.168.1.x to 192.168.5.x (for example)

  80. Works like a charm... You ROCK!!!

  81. Hello,

    Does it work with the French Orange E5832 Domino.

    This model seems to be quite dificult tu unlock due to the fact that modem over usb has been modified/disabled in this firmware

    If so, i will surely go to paypal and donate

  82. I have a Huawei e5832 from Orange Romania . Your program will unlock this device ?

  83. @ Christophe: never heard of that! Flash the "brightpoint" firmware on it then my program will work! (search google for "e5830 brightpoint firmware")

  84. Hello,

    I Tried to update the modem with brightpoint firmware but it does not find the E5832 on the usb port ....Alle drivers seems to be installed but Something goes wrong.....

  85. @ Christophe: I don't know the problem, but it's the same reason why my program doesn't work..

    If a huawei program doesn't, my program doesn't too...

  86. i tried unlocking twice in a virtual machine but neither seems to have actually unlocked it.

    i went to try in a real xp machine and now it says my code is invalid? do the donation codes expire?

  87. @ Hais:

    Donation codes are bound to the machine the donation was made from.

    And yes, they expire when used successfully.

  88. @ Hais: wrong place to chat. Send me an email.

  89. Problem solved, Zibri helped me get it unlocked eventually. Very patient and helpful guy.

    Next time I need to get a card unlocked I'm definitely checking here first.

    Thanks again

  90. Hi just donated and tried to run with W7 but it doesn't get past the Connect Card option. Do I need to have a signal on the sim for it to work?

  91. @ travisbs: "Connect card" means your e5830 drivers are not installed or that the e5830 is not connected to a pc using USB.

  92. Thanks Zibri. I have downloaded the drivers and will try again. I remember having trouble with the software installing when I first got the dongle (a conflict with previous dongle I think)

  93. Success. Software conflicts caused drivers not to be installed. Stopped the software and all ok. On Windows 7 32bit btw.

  94. As usual: 99.9% of "not working" = wrong installation or not reading instructions.

    I'm glad you made it!

    I'm not answering to emails asking things already stated in the post or in comments.

  95. Hi man,

    I've read through thes eposts about four times but I'm confused. I plug in my Virgin E5832, turn it on, connect to internet, run your program and all I get is a small Paypal DOnation ID text box (Title caption "Unlock U5830"). Once I saw a flicker of another form which I missed the content of. I'm running XP, have tried this on two machines and am wondering what I'm doing wrong. Have tried all kinds of conmbinations - including turning off AV and FW - but always get the same thing. Steve

  96. I really don't know!
    Never happened.
    Maybe there's a firewall interferring.
    Disable all firewalls (also the windows firewall) if you are unsure.

  97. high, wondering if any one could help, but i have a problem, all i can get is "connect card" i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers, i have nothing obvious that is conflicting with the software, the device is turned on. and all firewalls / antivirus is turned off. im on vista and have no option of using xp. any help is hugely appriciated. luke.

  98. It's impossible for me to know the CAUSE in your situation.

    Connect card means that WINDOWS XP can't find the card serial ports. For one reason or another.

    Main cause is unproper driver installation or a conflicting program using the com port(s).

    In other words: not my fault :)

  99. hi, me again. i know it is'nt your fault, and you have no obligation to help, but is there any way i can find out what is stoping the software from reading the card, the DC- unlocker client reads the card, but i cant afford to pay to unlock this twice. manny thanks, luke

  100. Send me an email. It's in the donation receipt.

  101. Did you try giving my program full administration privileges? And raise it's permissions?

    My program need to read the registry to know where to find the card.


  103. @Richard: Don't YELL.

    Connection error means the program can't reach the authentication server. This happens if your connection is limited or if an antivirus is blocking it.

  104. To everyone else: STOP posting on the comments to ask for help. Write me an email. And read all the comments CAREFULLY (there are 2 different posts about the e5830 on this blog) your problem is likely already answered there.

  105. After a bit of a struggle to get this working using the software, I EMailed Zibri. Have to say he went pretty much above and beyond to get my E5830 unlocked. Thanks very much for all your help!

  106. Hi Zibri,

    Will Your unlocker unlock a E5832 which have the "diagnostic Port" made invisible ?
    I mean, I tried many unlockers but they failed bbeacause only the Application Interface Port is visible in the device manager.
    Last question, how many unlock can I do with one donation for the app ?

  107. Thierry: yes and no..

    As is: NO.

    You just have to upgrade the firmware to the "brightpoint" version then you can use my program.

  108. Thanks for your reply Zibri.

    I will give that firmware a try . (for the others).

    My latest question was in fact , how many try do I have till unlocking ?

  109. Thierry: with my program you can try as long as you want. It does not increment the unlock counter. If you manually enter the unlock code, then it's only 3 wrong retries... then it will be locked forever.

  110. Can I just check - I have to donate before I can unlock, is that right?

  111. run the program and donate FROM the program.

  112. Can't do that, the program opens a small window asking for a paypal donation ID before anything else happens, then opens Internet Explorer link asking for 8.99 via Paypal. Is this what is supposed to happen?

    If so, then why not say so? No problem with paying but why call it free unlock when it isn't?


  113. Yes.. the program WAS free during testing (3 months).

    Now you have to donate to use it.

  114. Hi Zibri,

    I've upgraded successfully to the Brightpoint version as you said.
    But your unlocker is not working.
    I've got a "COM Port Error:WriteFile function failed on NP"

    Your help is welcome. Thanks.

  115. Dear Thierry, unfortunately I can't help you with that. Maybe trying on a real pc running XP will be easier for you.

  116. Thierry.. use email not this blog for support.

  117. Fair enough, I have no problem with your business model, only your interpretation of the word 'donate' :-)

  118. Yoav: it's not my interpretation. A month ago my program were all with free donations: as a result most of the people were not donating.
    Now they are, and even if it seems a purchase, it's still a donation with benefits (the program) :)

  119. Hi Zibri,

    I finally found a new firmware that causes the invisible port to appear ! You should share it with others :
    I did use you unlocker because I wanted to know if the unlock code they (a web site) gave me was correct. So I unlocked the E5832 with Cardlock_Unlock by entering the unlock code.
    Then I re-flashed with the BrightPoint version to get Huawei web UI.

    God Bless U.

  120. Ciao Zibri,

    ti ho fatto una "donazione" ma forse era troppo modesta visto che il codice non ha funzionato...forse anche perché non ho usato il tuo di browser ma un altro...
    mi potresti mandare il codice di attivazione per il E5830?
    Ti ringrazio

  121. Arsalan: la donazione la devi fare dal programma e non per conto tuo..
    La procedura e' completamente automatizzata.. non sono io ad autorizzare o creare codici.

  122. quindi significa che te ne devo fare un 'altra?

    L'importo é quello che é scritto oppure si puó cambiare?

  123. Si' l'importo e' quello scritto.
    Non si puo' cambiare.

  124. @pxmp my email is on top of the donation page.

  125. I was a bit sceptical about paying upfront for an unknown solution, but it worked like a charm! Had to dig out an old XP laptop first though. :)

    Thank you.

  126. Zibri, thank you for you work.
    I tried, and in the end, gave me an "unlocked" message. But still cannot change the profile name or settings.


  127. zibri. Thank u so much for helping.

    My modem is especially tough to unlock. But u helped me solve my prob over n over again even when u dont have to.

  128. When I'm not overloaded, it's my pleasure!

  129. First it didn't work with the unlock tool, but Zibri has been extremely helpful, and now the E5830 has been liberated from Three UK.


  130. what about the unlocker for E1550

  131. @ Ernest: send me one and I'll unlock it.

  132. Any update on the Australian E585 unlock? Looking forward to moving from Vodafone!

  133. Update: I'm very near to the solution.

  134. @Bartmax: never heard of it... who knows..

  135. Ok, this is not *FREE* but I can confirm that it works on e5836.

  136. does it work to unlock e5830 from u.a.e operator etisalat

  137. @sunil: yes, it should. Try it. Then send me an email if any problem arise.

  138. Ho acquistato il modello e585 da ebay uk. E' la versione originale di tre uk. Devo effettuare lo sblocco per usarla con la SIM 3 Italia?

  139. hi i just purchased and put the confirmation code in and its giving me this error

    wininet error #18 :(Unknown WININET error #18)

    Please Help,

    I am using a E5830 on Win 7 - and using the confirmation code on the same PC i donated.


  140. About WININET error, treat it like the socket error in the FAQ.

    Try this:

    1) Run the program.
    2) Insert the code.
    3) The program will write "CONNECT CARD".
    4) Connect the e585 using the USB cable (and turn it ON!)

    It should unlock it immediately.

  141. Hi Zibri, can you please confirm what I need to do to get access to your program. If I dont enter a paypal number it brings up a webpage asking me to pay 10.99 Euro. Do I need to buy the product using this page, or is the paypal number from a standard donation enough. Also I have no issue with donating, but how do you classify it as free if you insist on a donation?

  142. @JIM: yes, you must purchase a code. This post is very old, when I first coded this program it was free for 3 months... since nobody was donating I enforced the purchase of the code.
    Sorry for that but when they can they never donate :(

  143. @Max mandami una email.
    non e' questo il luogo per il supporto tecnico.

  144. Hi Zibri, have you got anything to unlock a Huawei C01HW, the product is sold through softbank japan but I'm unsure if C01HW is the actual Huawei product number.

  145. Send me an email. I think I have a solution.

  146. Is this available for free somehow? I've tried everything and it didn't work. Whenever i reach "Read EFS" in QMAT the program crashes. I don't know what to do...

  147. No. It's not free anymore. It was when I was testing the program.

    You have to run my program then buy a code from the explorer window my program opens.

  148. Hi Zibri

    Thanks for the hard work on this.

    I'm having some problems with the donation code(s). Pls check your GMail, I dropped you a line. I'm sure its something simple I've done wrong. Back in 6hrs after a sleep!


  149. Yes. You didn't read the instructions.
    You tried to use a donation code.
    You must purchase a code within the program entering "BUY" instead of the code the first time you run it.

  150. Oh.. and john... clean your mailbox.

    The mailbox is full
    554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

  151. Doh thanks mate. I read it, but must have only skimmed over the instructions. 100% user error.

    Lesson learned, NEVER try something like this when you're exhausted, it makes you look a fool in public!

    OK, Mailbox cleaned :/ Try again on the mail, and apologies for being an idjut.

  152. Hi Zibri! I need help for setup ftpd on E5830. Say please How to save file in rootfs cramfs on device?

  153. You can't: they are only "mapped" as mtd but you can't just write them from linux (they will be destroyed). What you can do is to put a smal sdcard formatted as ext2,ext3,xfs,etc and use that one.

  154. Hey Zibri brother can i have your email. want to discuss some thing with u.

  155. The QR CODE on the LEFT of this page contains also my email address.

  156. Couldn't find your email address (maybe my ad blocker is blocking it's display?)..

    Wish the code worked a second time, as I donated and forgot to take the sim card out.. It failed and now I can't use it anymore. I don't think it fair to have to shell out another $20AUD for an unlock.. Perhaps you could enable it for just one more time so I can get it right.. Thanks.

  157. Honestly folks, if you're trying to unlock your modem.. Zibri is THE MAN for the job. Forget paying up the ass for unlocking fees with the ISP you are trying to ditch!

    My Australian\Virgin Mobile E5832 now unlocked! Saved $60! (instead of normal $80AUD unlocking fee with Virgin) DO IT!!!!

    p.s. if any problems, EMAIL Zibri.. He will sort things out like he did for me.


  158. Zibri,

    Did you find a way to unlock the E5832 devices, like the one from Orange, that do not offer the modem interface in Windows? So also the Huwaei firmware update will not run.


  159. Yes. E5832 devices are fully supported.

  160. E5832 is a router wifi mobile and the program stays in "connect card" though you connect to pc with the usb, which It seems only is used for charging the baterry. It's impossible to launch the program with this model

  161. @eddie: please read the instructions inside the application zip file.

    You need to install the serial drivers first!

  162. Hi Zibri,

    I am running Windows 8. I get the "forefront message" asking do I really really want to run your software and then I click yes but nothing happens. Thoughts?

  163. This program is very old (some day, if I have time I will rewrite it). It supports only windows XP/NT/7 and IE8.

  164. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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Here is the unlocker for you to download! Highlights: 1) very fast (2-3 seconds) 2) Compatible with Xp, Vista and Win7 3) easy to use. Instructions: Download the program. Run the program. Donate via paypal and PASTE the  confirmation number  of your donation. The transaction id should work after a minute from your donation. Donate using the window opened by the program. The code will work only on the PC you run the program. This program works only with Huawei E585. Send me an email if you need an unlimited version. (Unlimited number of unlocks) Note: If the program says "Connect card." that means that E585 drivers are not installed correctly. Remove any "wifi manager" and old drivers, then reinstall E585 drivers from it's virtual cdrom. Please be sure that you have run "autorun.exe" which should have appeared in a pop-up window when you first inserted the Mifi.  This is required to install all the drivers that are needed for the modificatio...

Huawei E585 Unlock download!!!

Here is the unlocker for you to download! Highlights: 1) very fast (2-3 seconds) 2) Compatible with Xp, Vista and Win7 3) easy to use. Instructions: Download the program. Donate via paypal and PASTE the confirmation number  of your donation. The transaction id should work after a minute from your donation. Donate using the window opened by the program. The code will work only on the PC you run the program. This program works only with Huawei E585. Send me an email if you need an unlimited version. (Unlimited number of unlocks) Note: If the program says "Connect card." that means that E585 drivers are not installed correctly. Remove any "wifi manager" and old drivers, then reinstall E585 drivers from it's virtual cdrom. Please be sure that you have run "autorun.exe" which should have appeared in a pop-up window when you first inserted the Mifi.  This is required to install all the drivers that are needed for the modification.  If you have ...