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Showing posts from May 10, 2015

Graphic card burning by malicious program or hacker: possible.

Since furmark has been limited in drivers I searched for a way to  heat up my cards (2x GTX 580 SLI). I came across MSI Kombustor, but I noticed only one card was used. Playing with NVIDIA Inspector I created a profile for kombustor 3 and now both cards are used. Fiddling with the settings I found a way to maximize heat. For example: with my setting (air cooled, stock fans, custom fan curves and fully overclocked cards) using Valley in Extreme HD mode, my temps are 82 for the primary card and 69 for the secondary (after an hour of looping). With kombustor3 and the profile I created, the cards heat with a  steeper curve up and maximize (99 degrees) in a few minutes, then thing get weird and ugly :D If you are interested in further testing here is the setup: 1) MSI Afterburner Version 2) MSI Kombustor 3 (launched clicking the  K in MSI Afterburner: this will run it in windowed furmark mode) 3) NVIDIA Display Drivers 335.23 (which are the fastest for...