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Showing posts from April 25, 2010

E5830 Telnet server enabler.

How about enabling a telnet server on the E5830? Download mirror The program has been tested under Windows XP/Vista/Windows7. Usage: Run the program. Find on this blog the title of a post of the same date the program shows. Enter it exactly (case sensitive, spaces, everything). The unlock button will show. Click the button. It will enable the telnet server on your E5830 in 1 second. Don't forget to DONATE. And leave comment! Namaste, Zibri

Free HUAWEI E5830 Unlock Released!

A damn typo prevented the previous unlock to work on some computers/os. Now everything is fixed and tested on a lot of computers. The program works 100%. If the program gives you a COM error, quit/kill WIFI MANAGER and try again. Download Note: There is no virus in the file. It's protected code and Antiviruses don't like it. Usage: Run the program with your card connected. The program has been tested under Windows XP/VISTA/Windows7. This program works even inside a virtual machine in MAC OS/X. Donate Using the browser my program opens. Then enter the paypal confirmation number of your donation and press CR. (Case sensitive!) It will unlock your E5830 in 15 seconds. Send me an email if you need an unlimited version. (Unlimited number of unlocks) And leave a comment! Namaste, Zibri

E5830 unlock near to be released!

Ok guys and gals, the program WORKS! I now need a beta tester with a *LOCKED* "UK" E5830. Leave me your email in a comment, I won't publish the comment and contact you. MSN is preferred for chatting while testing Skype and a voip line is even better. Come on! You'll be the first to try it! (No harm can be done to your card) Zibri Note: It has a funny anti-mass-unlocker protection. At program start you will have to enter the TITLE of a post on this blog posted on the date/time shown by the program itself. In the example above: date shown was: 2009-09-24 and time was 14:00 The title of that post was "Success! :)" Got it? It's easy.