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Showing posts from 2016


As everyone probably knows, DVD players are limited by software to watch DVD of the region the player was bought from. The user can change the region 4 times (the first time is changed automatically when the first DVD is played). After some research I found that many players have secret SCSI commands to reset the counter. This is called vendor reset. Also this is limited though. And can be used only 5 times. But since I don't like commercial limits, I wrote a small utility that can reset everything. Have a look at this github link. LG-DVD-REGION-RESET The script has been tested and it's guaranteed on LG (and HP) DVDRAM GUD0N and GUD1N It can work also on many other LG players probaby GT series, but I can't vouch for them since I only have these two in my laptops. The bash shell script works AS IS in linux (tested on ubuntu) and CYGWIN on Windows. Namaste! Zibri (donations are welcome) Virus removal.

Hello! After fighting with this nasty trojan I finally found a solution. The trojan resides inside windows WMI. It executes a script that looks like this: On Error Resume Next Const link = "" Const link360 = "" browsers = "114ie.exe,115chrome.exe,1616browser.exe,2345chrome.exe,2345explorer.exe,360se.exe,360chrome.exe,,avant.exe,baidubrowser.exe,chgreenbrowser.exe,chrome.exe,firefox.exe,greenbrowser.exe,iexplore.exe,juzi.exe,kbrowser.exe,launcher.exe,liebao.exe,maxthon.exe,niuniubrowser.exe,qqbrowser.exe,sogouexplorer.exe,srie.exe,tango3.exe,theworld.exe,tiantian.exe,twchrome.exe,ucbrowser.exe,webgamegt.exe,xbrowser.exe,xttbrowser.exe,yidian.exe,yyexplorer.exe" lnkpaths = "C:\Users\Public\Desktop,C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs,C:\Users\shome\Desktop,C:\Users\shome\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch,C:\Users\shome\AppD...