Picture by erregiro Secrets, hidden things, I really hate this. It's common practice nowadays for companies to sell devices that can do many things but locked and constrained to do only one or two. So, when you buy a device you don't know the many things it can do. Let's see an example: Sierrawireless produces astonishing 3G cards; AT&T disables the top 7.2mb/s speed and the internal GPS (yes! AC881 and 881U do have an internal GPS unit!). On such units there are a lot of undocumented commands (AT commands). If you happen to have one of these cards, try this from hyperterminal, putty or any terminal program connected to the card AT command port: AT!HSDCAT=8 (for 7.2mb) This will set the HSDPA category to 8. The default is 6 (3.6mb/s) There is also a command to set the HSUPA category: AT!HSUCAT=5 (2mb/s upload) and AT!HSUCAT=3 (1.4 mb/s upload) About the GPS, things are a little more difficult but I could enable it on any card with a simple one-click program. Stay tuned....