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Powerline Ethernet fun and secrets.

Many 200 Mb/s powerline adapters nowadays are based on the INTELLON 6300 chipset.
Despite what can be thought looking at them, they are all using the same hardware and firmwares.
I heard many people with Netgear XAV101 or Linksys PLK 200 or PLE 200 having problems after firmware updates and many other people with other brands having much more problems because of lack of support or configuration/upgrade utilities.

So let me explain a few things I learnt studying them.

Many of 200 Mb/s powerline ethernet adapters follow the "HomePlug AV" standard. (85 Mb adapters use HomePlug 1.0 standard which is completely different).
This standard uses ethernet broadcast packets using the HomePlug AV protocol.

The interesting thing is that their firmware is made of two different parts:
a .PIB file (Parameter Information Block) and a .NVM file (the code itself).
In the P.I.B. there are many interesting things:
The branding (mac address, device name, etc) and the tone map.

I tested many firmwares and many PIBs and benchmarked them.
The best one so far was you can find here.
You can download the setup and upgrade utility from here.
(no matter what powerline adapter you have if it's INT6300 based)

Something you may not know:
there is no actual difference between the adapter without the security button and the ones that feature it.
Since the have no such button (if you open them you can easily solder one inside it) they tell you they can only be paired as they are sold, but that's a lie.
The button press can also be simulated using the utility, so you can make a big network also with units that don't have the button.

For your information, a total of 15 units can be connected in the same house.

For the braves and people who know what they are doing I finally found the
complete device manager from intellon.
This utility works with firmwares up to 3.0 and can be very useful and very dangerous.

With 'device manager' you can fully customize the powerline adapter and even dump and modify the tonemap!
The tonemap is a list of attenuations, one per carrier, so the adapter can comply with emission rules of any country and can support longer cables, worst conditions, best conditions, etc.

I made a few 'real world' speed tests using wget and a single ftp session on my lan.
Here are the results:

Direct ethernet connection (100 Mb/s): 11.25Mb/s
Connection with 2 adapters on the same wall socket: 4.20 Mb/s - 4.40 Mb/s
Connection with 2 adapters on opposite sides of my house: 3.24 Mb/s

When they say 200 Mb they are meaning RX+TX RAW DATA rate.
During the ftp transfer I was, as a matter of fact, reading these values on the adapter diagnostic interface:

120 / 80 (raw)
90 / 60 (coded)

For the best results, all your powerline adapters in your network
must have the same firmware version and the same PIB.

Testing, I uploaded different tone maps and a few custom ones.
I achieved 5 Mb/s - 5.3 Mb/s with 2 adapters close to each other but the speed
went down to 2.24 Mb/s when they were distant from each other.
The best PIB so far I tested was the "ClassB" one but this may differ in your country or in your house.

With firmwares above version 3.0, the device manager works in a reduced feature set.
Be careful on what you do.
They can anyhow be downgraded if needed to and reupgraded as many times as you want. Don't ever take them off the power outlet for a minute during and after the firmware upgrade or you will brick them in a non recoverable way!

Now some firmwares:

Version   Date      Comment 2007/02/26 2007/05/31 2007/??/?? Found on Pirelli/Onda adapters 2007/08/07 2007/08/16 Fully supported by device manager 2008/06/06 Tested 2008/08/08 Tested 2009/09/03 Untested 2009/10/01 Untested 2009/09/12 Untested 2011/05/04 Untested 2010/03/11 Untested 

Latest firmware is 4.40.05. You can found it on latest Devolo Mini D200 firmware archive.
(available here:
Just unzip the exe, and you'll found a .scm file which his the actual firmware.

Utility for firmware update (Supports all windows versions):

A very interesting document (for very skilled people):

Device manager for 4.x FW:

Linux configuration utility:


  1. GREAT article! I was able to bring back an XAV101 "from the dead" after a failed firmware attempt!

    However, after playing around with Device Manager, I managed to change the MAC on my XAV101. While it still works, it seems I can no longer update the firmare (keep getting errors saying "unable to update MAC"). Any ideas why?? I really want to go back to (currently at

    Thanks again - great work!!!

  2. I told you to be careful with device manager!
    Now use device manager (the full version I posted) and click on LOAD FW.
    Pass to it the PIB and NVM of 3052.
    Then you will be able to use device manager again to modify the mac address.

    By the way, how did you find this article ?

  3. Thanks for the reply. I found this article via a google search after spending DAYS working with Netgear support trying to get this unit working again after a failed firmware update. They were absolutely NO help. One tech even told me that these devices do not have firmware!! Horrible support. After reading your article, I had my unit working again within 20 minutes! I REALLY appreciate the info you provided.

    That being said, I still cannot upgrade (or downgrade) the firmware on the unit where I changed the MAC with Device Manager (by accident). When I do the "Load FW" button in device manager and select a PIB file (whether I select the 3052 or 3348 PIB), it comes back and says "Updating MAC address failed". I think it may be because I set the MAC to the "default" MAC (00:b0:52:00:00:03). But, it's no big deal - at least the unit works now! It was completely useless before. I've now flashed all four of my XAV101's using the Intellon application and firmware - this way I no longer need to deal with Netgear for anything - their support is horrible!

    Thanks again - great information...

  4. Thanks for this post. I just bought the Netgear XAV101 Powerline AV Ethernet Adapter Kit and encountered exactly what others have experienced. I am going to try your upgrade recommendation, however where do you get "device manager" I cannot find that utility.

  5. @ Jim:
    then you still have a chance.
    I had the same problem with one of my test devices.
    There is a softloader option. It's a risky one.
    I killed an adapter with that, but I also revived another one.
    Use 3052 *only*.
    Feed it to device manager as a softloader.
    Don't touch the device untill it reboots completely.
    Then you may be able to flash 3052 and classB pib and then change back your mac address.

  6. @ rigont:
    There is a link at the bottom of the article to download device manager.

  7. I installed av_vr3.exe, but as I run HomePlug AV Utility with Simple Connect it returns "pcap_finalldevs_ex failed with error".
    Any hints, please?

  8. @Zibri - No luck - still getting the "Updating MAC address failed" error, even when trying to use the softloader. Oh well, like I said, no big deal - at least the unit works! I'll just leave it at 3348 and be happy that I got it working at all.

    Thanks again for the great info, Zibri! It looks like you've already helped a few of us when even the maker of the unit couldn't help us!

  9. Simply amazing! Zibri kept working with me and he eventually got my one remaining XAV101 (the one I screwed up using Device Manager!) up and running again with firmware!

    It amazes me that someone who has no affilation with Netgear can support their products so much better than they do! It also amazes me that someone with no affilation with Netgear would spend so much time helping someone he's never met.

    I can't give him enough "props"! All hail Zibri!

    I will also make sure to pass on your great site in order to help the dozens of other people who Netgear is unable to help!

    Thanks again, man - A donation is coming your way.

  10. Thanks!
    As I was used to say: "One is glad to be of service!" (quoted from Bicentennial Man)

    By the way, netgear doesn't make those :)
    They make the fancy box :)
    INTELLON makes them ALL.
    Netgear, Linksys, Solwise, and many many other 'brands' use exactly the same hardware with different boxes and prices!

  11. Thanks for this great article. I searched the internet a few days and couldn't get any reliable information.
    I'm trying to fix a problem in my PLC net which result in (at least) one INT6x00 device blocking multicast traffic. That's very annoying because my UPNP server is quite useless now :-(
    I think it has something to do with mixed firmware versions on my Homeplug AV adapters:
    I've got one Devolo dLan AV (FW: 3-3-3348) and two NetSocket200 adapters (FW: 3-3-3368, which seems to be the latest available).

    I would love to try out the Device Manager but unfortunately, your link is down... Is it possible for you to reup the file?


  12. Ciao Zibri! Pensi che anche i D-Link 301 facciano parte di questo gruppo?

  13. Great article, but I signed up to your file sharing service to get Device Manager and... no file! Please help!

  14. Hi Steve.
    Sorry I didn't notice they took the link down.
    The file is up again.

  15. Hi Zibri,

    is there any documentation for the DM around. I like to enable encryption, but I do not know how.

  16. Hi Zibri,

    Seems that the link for firmware has vanished now.. Any chance of a reupload?

    I've got two generic ones with the 6300 chipset in coming next week.. One of the advantages of moving house I guess - you get to get new toys! :P


  17. Zibri,

    Thank you for your article on the Intellon Powerline Adapters. Do you know where I can download the 2008/08/08 version firmware? The link on the website doesn't work. Also where did you go to get the latest firmware versions? I am also looking for a INT6300 firmware tool that will allow me upload *.bin format firmware upgrades. Thank you for your help.


  18. The file is back online.. same link.

  19. Zibri,

    Thank you for fixing the link. Do you know of a tool that I can use to load firmware that is in the *.bin format instead of the *.pib abd *.nvm format? I have linksys PLE300 and PLS300 devices and the firmware for them is in *.bin format, but Lynksys did not provide a tool to upload their firmware and the tool they have for the PLE200 devices will not work. Thanks for your help.


  20. Sorry no.. I don't know such devices.. all intellon products have the firmware in that format.. although get a hex editor and DIG inside that BIN.. some manufacturers pack the PIB and NVM file inside a unique BIN file (like linksys or netgear..
    If it's intellon it will take always PIB+NVM

  21. Is still the newest firmware available for this device family?

    My Zyxel PLA401 rev2 was on, but given that version is 1 year older than the newest, I upgraded. I don't think a straight throughput test is sufficient to say which version is better... I went with the latest, as I'm sure over that year some bugs have been fixed (and yes, maybe others introduced... ;) ).

    At any rate, did you keep the data from your tests? I'd be curious as to how big the difference was...

    Also, again, if anyone has a newer version, do respond! :)

  22. Thanks for the info. Has anyone tried the DM with the Devolo AVPlus 200? They are based on intellon 6000 and Devolo distributes the firmware as a single file...Mine stopped working after updating to the most recent version :-(

  23. Hello again,

    As said in my previous message, my Devolo AVPlus
    200 stopped working after upgrading the firmware
    to version 4.1. Devolo's own driver update
    program wouldn't let me reinstall the firmware
    or install an older firmware, saying that I
    already had the most recent version.

    Having contacted Devolo's technical support and
    not getting any real help from them, I decided
    to try the Device Manager on my AVPlus 200. So,
    I installed DM and downgraded to firmware (which I got from Zibri's link). Then,
    I downloaded Devolo's latest firmware update
    program (v.4.1) from
    and re-upgraded my device. For the last couple
    of hours it has been working like a charm,
    leading me to conclude that something went
    wrong when I attempted to update the driver...
    perhaps I unplugged the device right after the
    firmware update, who knows? BTW, Devolo's
    upgrade program from the link above can be
    unpacked with 7-ZIP, yielding a ton of .pib
    files plus a .nvm file versioned 4-1-410.
    I guess this is the most recent version
    available, answering "torontofuntimes"

    Again, a big thanks to Zibri for this page, I
    wouldn't have been able to fix my adapter
    without it!

  24. @lourakis: thanks to you for taking the time to thank me :)

    About 4.1 just be careful because I think it's not fully supported by Device Manager. So, for now, if you want to experiment with PIB files, I suggest version 3052.

    Feel free to tell me your experience with 4.1 but remember that it's the PIB to make the difference.

  25. Hi.

    Anyone know an alternative link to the firmware? The given link is down.


  26. Filesavr sometimes delete links.
    I reuploaded 3348 and uploaded the too.

    Now the links work.

  27. Thanks a million for the firmware links.

    Any chance of getting a working link to Device Manager?


  28. Hey garth, the link is working! As I said I already fixed them all.

  29. Doh!

    Thanks again.

    I was trying the Device Manager link from the top of the page (You can download the setup and upgrade utility from here) rather than the bottom.

    Again, thanks for the info and resources; it's much appreciated.

  30. I just corrected that too.. but watch out..
    The one at the top of the page is the normal setup utility.
    The one linked at the bottom is the *incredibly difficult to find* internal setup utility :)

  31. Was anyone able to load the one on a none Devolo device?
    Furthermore, which files (once you expand the exe's content) did you use?

    int6000-v4.1.0-0-2-X-FINAL.nvm and I would assume int6000-pib42-devolo-mt2110.pib

    Let us know if you had success, and if so, how you loaded!

  32. Did you experiment with the tone map, eg. set all active tones to +3 dB?.


  33. Did you experiment with the tone map, eg. set all active tones to +3 dB?.


  34. Hi
    Just tweaked the prescale file, all values changed to '134' (+0.8dB), it gave 50% more Mbps!!! Leave the '00000000' untouched.


  35. Hello, I have an answer and a question:
    Wesley, I was able to upgrade the firmware to, and also to downgrade it back to (both PIB's and NVM's) using the "setup and upgrade utility" on this page. Have you tried that?

    Zibri: I am having trouble running the Device Manager. Perhaps you can help? It installed fine, after I got the correct .NET framwork version. Then when I tried to run it, it requested DLL files which I found. Now however, it says "Application has generated an exception that could not be handled" and another message that says "Registered JIT debugger not available." and mentions cordbg.exe? I'm not sure what any of this means. If you have an idea, please let me know!

  36. What is the best product to buy for the home?

    I did a little quick web search and it seems there are several chipset manufacturers. In addition to Intellon (now part of Atheros), there is DS2, SPiDCOM, Gigle Networks etc. It does seem that Intellon has been the leader in sales.

    So, how do I figure out whose product (Linksys/Cisco, Netgear, Monster, ...) to buy?

    It seems like Zibri and the others who have posted here have some technical capabilities. I don't know if I trust the blather on CNET and other similar sites. Has someone done some serious analysis and benchmarking that is in the public domain?

  37. First of all, just want to thank you Zibri for gathering this much information and making it so clear.
    I was wondering if you could help me, as i'm having a BIG problem with one of my units (it keeps asking for a SDRAM .config file) and I cannot load any version onto it. Any help would be fantastic, thanks in advance

  38. Can someone post the firmware with boosted prescale?

  39. As Eddie has written before, I would also really like to know how to flash the latest Devolo firmware on other INT6000-based devices.

    I've already extracted the firmware and dozens of PIB files but I'm quite unsure how to proceed...

  40. I've managed the cross-update using the int6k.exe tool bundled with LeaCom's Softplug app :-)

  41. Is there a device manager that works on Win 7?

    The one to modify PIBs?

  42. Chris, can you let us know the performance gain/loss experienced?


    Anything else obvious?


  43. Eddie, I didn't notice any change (!) in the connection quality but I guess that the new firmware somehow improves the way, UDP broadcasts are transmitted.

    I know it sounds strange but with the firmware versions below 4, my PS3 didn't "see" my TwonkyMedia server most of the time. Using Ethereal I've discovered that the UPnP annoucements didn't always arrive on all of my three PLC adapters.

    Anyway, the link speed is quite low in my network. LEA's SoftPlug app shows me values between 90 and 110MBit/s (I guess that's the RAW speed). Maybe, the PIBs could be tweaked.

  44. My connection has been royally unstable since upgrading to 4.1.1 on my devolos.

    Downgraded to 3.0.5 (ClassB) and uploaded a modified prescale.txt based on chris's recommendation.

    My connection is alot more stable now - hasn't cut off since I modded it.

    Speeds are lower compared to 4.1.1 firmware but at least its stable

    Reported speeds:
    Up: 123Mbps
    Down: 91Mbps

    I'm tempted to boost prescale to 3db on all tones and see what it does..

    Would be nice to have a util to modify the new firmwares though

  45. I just upgraded my 5 AVplus 200 plugs to firmware 4.1.1 (from 3.3.4).
    There are 3 PC's and a Wii connected. The devolo Informers gives higher up- & downstream rates.

    Did some tests with 'iperf' and it shows about 10Mbps more than with the previous version.

  46. Interesting. Is that confirmed?
    Did you check with different PIBs? imho is the most stable till now.

  47. Zibri... Time for you to do a scientific test? :) And post your results? ;)

  48. I haven't tested 4.1.X.X firmwares.
    But I haven't found any device manager to work with these.

  49. I didn't do any customizing with PIBs ; just the standard 4.1.1 installer from devolo.

    I now get around 50Mbps according to iperf. Still not amazing, but streaming video works without any hickups.
    Any other tools to measure throughput ?? iperf (with the Java GUI Jperf) seems to be a reliable tool.

  50. Hi Zibri, I am not sure if you can help me out or not, I just upgraded the firmware on one of my units and it came up and asked for an SDRAM.config file, which I could supply so now the thing appears to be knackered. Is this now bricked or is there some hope to get it going again?


  51. @Paul: It's not bricked.. follow the instructions and downgrade to using above tools.

  52. Sorry Zibri, I hate to sound to dense here but it was the downgrade to that started my problems. (well I think I screwed it up really)
    I was using the basic intellon utility to downgrade the firmware and now nothing I try will write to the unit.

    Some background.
    I am using units supplied by an internet company called Free in france, they are apparently based on the Intellon INT6300 chipset. they come with a big old red button on top that you have to press, it then goes from red to greeen once it connects to the other units. Now, when I ran the downgrade it said it completed before asking for the sdram.config which I didnt realise could be found in the device manager directory (I think thats right anyway). I eventually cancelled that but by then the damage was done and now the big red light stays red no matter what I do and I cant seem to get any software to write to it like I say.


  53. I can't help you "by mind" but with the full device manager you can revive it.
    I don't have your adapter, but I have seen that problem before. I solved it using device manager.
    Be careful using it if you don't know what you are doing.

  54. Thank you for your Post. I have a Asus PL-X31 and I can't use their DM under Win7. ATM I found other tools. Thank you.

    MSI MEGA ePower 200AV is realy nice.
    Solwise PL-200AV
    ZyXEL PLA-400
    Netgear XAV101
    Linksys PLK 200 or PLE 200

    Is that right that, 3-0-3052 is the best one?

  55. @g13:
    it's not right nor wrong: it's just my opinion.
    since I'm a tinker I prefer to have device manager working.
    With versions above DM works in a reduced mode.
    If anyone finds a more recent one please post it here.
    (I found it in an archive on pudn).

  56. Hi Zibri, I am busy trying to revive that freebox adaptor. I thought I would give you some of the errors I am getting, hoping something may ring a bell.

    So, I plugin the adaptor, first thing to notice is the MAC address is comepletely wrong. I click on loadFW and I get an error 'Read Module Failed with Status 0' and then 'Reding PIB from device failed'.

    I then tried the sneaky 'softloader' approach and I get 'Firmware Download Failed'. Any Idea's I am prepared to accept it as being bricked by now but I thought I would ask one last time.

    Great blog by the way, easily the best understanding I have had of this technology thanks to you.


  57. Hi Paul, it doesn't seem to be bricked. If it has a mac adress and "talks" to device manager then it's not bricked.
    Apparently you have a 4.x firmware and that creates problems to device manager. You should try to downgrade to to (or even a previous version..whichever works) after than we can start rebuilding it..

  58. Hi Zibri,
    Thanks for posting all this info. I've been having connectivity problems over a long connection (>100m) so I thought I'd have a play! I've successfully used the Device Manager to extract the prescaler values from a Solwise PL-200AV-PIGGY device which uses the INT6300 chip and the firmware. I increased all the prescaler values by 20%. This seems to have fixed the stability problem and the connection has increased from an unstable 35Mbps to about 50-70Mbps without causing any noticable interference problems with other devices (I hope!). Unfortunately I can't play with my other devices though as I've hit the problem that device manager doesn't work with INT6400 devices using v4 firmware.
    Thanks Dan

  59. Yep, as I said unfortunately I haven't yet found a device manager that works with 4.x firmwares.
    INT 6x00 familty il cross compatible.

  60. But you can't flash an INT6200 drive to 6300 or vise versa? If there is not device manager for 4.x how can I downgrade?

    Which is the best device manager? I found some, which have QoS and powersavingoptions in it.

  61. Please, I know it's confusing, but there are 2 different softwares named "device manager":

    One is the normal software that comes with any powerline adapter (and branded sometimes).

    The other one (linked above) is the internal INTELLON device manager which is a totally different beast and works fully with firmware.

  62. Just so I'm clear - Will I have a problem loading on to a device that uses the Intellon 6400 chip?

    It seems like your downloads are all intended for the 6300 so I don't want to screw it up...

  63. Sincerely, I don't know but I think INT6000 family is all compatible.

  64. Hah...stupid AV software. I forgot to turn it off and now it works.
    Thanks for the info you have here tho!

  65. I updated both of my Linksys PLE200s to, but they will not stay connected more than 5 or 10 minutes now. Power cycling either adapter seems to fix the problem.

    Previously, they had been working perfectly for 2 years.

    Has anyone else had similar problems?

  66. Very strange behaviour.
    Did you use the standard PIBs?
    Never heard anybody with this problem.

  67. Yes, I used the PIB and firmware from the link on this page. I've tried re-flashing with both the setup utility and the device manager.

    I downloaded the official linksys branded 3.3 utility and firmware, I will try that and report back.

  68. It seems more a hardware/power adapter problem to me.

  69. The linksys utility wasn't able to see the devices, but using the device manager to flash them all to seems to have resolved the issue.

  70. Questions from a novice:

    I purchased a Linksys PLK200 Kit in 2006 or 2007 so I suspect this kit has the older firmware. The 2 adapters have worked fine for the past few years. I’ve just ordered a new PLE200 to expand my HomePlug AV system. I assume the new adapter will come with more recent firmware.
    I also assume I will benefit by upgrading all 3 adapters to PIB version I suspect I also need to download and install the setup and upgrade utility from the link provided.

    My Questions:
    o Do I first install the upgrade utility? How is it installed? Attempting to open Class B.pib file and int6000-v3.0.5.2-B-FINAL.nvm file results in a “Windows cannot open this file” dialog box. Would the files open if the power line adapters were connected and plugged in or do these files simply need to reside on the computer?
    o Should all three adapters remain plugged in while the av-vr3 file is executed or do they need to be plugged in separately and does the program need to be executed 3 times?
    o Will the new upgrade utility work in a Vista 64bit system? When I upgraded to Vista from XP the original Linksys configuration utility would not load in vista, but the adapters continued to work anyway.

    Thanks so much for you expertise.

  71. Do the PowerLine adapters need to be connected directly to the computer and the firmware loaded individually to each, or can the firm ware be loaded to all adapters at one time through a router?

  72. They use an ethernet based protocol. A hub or switch in the middle will make no difference.
    You just need to connect one at a time (just not to confuse them)

  73. Downloaded and when I tried to extract it I got a corrupted file. Is there an alternate download location?

  74. I have a Zyxel NBG-318s that recently had the HomePlug AV module seemingly die. With the device plugged in, when I load the device manager it does not seem to find the device. It seems that this might be bricked or is it somehow still recoverable? I did not find any help in the post or in comments for handling this type of scenario.

    Thanks in advance.

  75. Zibri , the link to the Intellon Device Manager seems to have disappeard from your article. Can you re-post it? Thanks!

  76. I just checked.. the link works!

  77. Hi zibri, if anyone can help, you can. netgear are fricking useless. got 2 xe104 and an xet1001 (free replacement for xe103 that died). xet1001 did not communicate properly with the other units, noticed it was on 1.6 firmware instead of 1.5, got a software update for the xe104 that shouldve sorted the problem, one flashed successfully but still drops the connection with the xet1001, the other said it updated successfully but now only the power light comes on and it cant be detected on my network by the other 2 units. tried to reflash but says the devices original configuration file cannot be found. tried emailing netgear and they were next to useless and wont help because its out of warranty. wtf, they sell me stuff that dont work, send me dodgy software to bust it and then tell me to get lost. W*****S!

    finally got the intellon device manager to work (for anyone on windows 7, setup links to wrong .net framework file, links to dotnetfx35setup.exe, should be dotnetfx.exe, also u need to set it to xp sp2 compatibility mode').

    i feel pretty stupid, everyone on this blog seems to know how to use this software to recover their homeplugs, is there a tutorial or a manual. i saw the warnings and dont wanna make things worse and brick all my units. im not even sure if these units even have the correct chipset. any help would be appreciated. thanks

  78. Great Work Zibri, Thanks for the support.

    I have similar issue with 2 pairs of NP201AV , they all work as pairs but netcomm's software will not talk to different version of the same adapter.

    Netcomms phone support is one of the worst, will be avoiding netcomm products in future after the complete lack of support after 30+ minutes on long distance phone number.

    One pair's firmware is
    the other firmware is

    I also get an error like
    "Device manager version does not match the target, limited options apply, considering upgrading.
    when trying to use the NP201AV Powerline Utility software.

    @Brett, @anyone, Any news if INT6400's can have their firmware changed?


  79. Hello,

    I have flashed one of my Sweex HomeplugAV devices to using the original software made by sweex.

    But after the firmware upgrade the power led is flashing every second, connecting with other device is ipossible.

    I also can't change the firmware using device manager. When I press the write button this comes up: Reading PIB from device failed
    The mac adress is 00:b0:52:00:00:01 in the device manager.

    This homeplug is based on the INT6400 chipset.

    Does anybody know a solution to unbrick it?


  80. Hi Zibri,

    Thanks so much for this informative article.

    The links to device manager and the firmware files hosted on no longer work. Can you please re-upload them.

  81. Filesavr account went awry.. I'll fix the links asap.

  82. Zibri,
    Bought a pair of Netgear XAV101’s as a kit. They did not start up as explained in the installation guide. The one connected directly to the router had all three lights lit and looked ready to go. The other one connected two rooms away never got off the ground. Switched them around, moved them both to the same room, changed outlets, etc. etc. etc.

    Found this blog, but am confused by the unfamiliar terminology and how to begin.
    1) What of the four links to PIB’s & nvm’s, setup & upgrade utility, 3052 firmware (two links – one at the top of article and one at the bottom), and Device Manger (DM). do I need? Seems to me I only need the two at the bottom?
    2) The setup & upgrade utility at the top is a huge file compared to the other downloadable files. Why so big in comparison?
    3) Have downloaded three of the links – (and unzipped it), 3052.rar, and DM.rar. Do I need the big setup and upgrade utility file?
    4) What should I do next?

    Considering that this is supposed to be sooooo easy, I am confused and frustrated. Sorry to be so dense, but don’t want to mess this up. Thanks

  83. Hi Zibri,
    I found this blog after searching and searching, because for some reason my adapters stopped communicating with each other. Before this happened, a had large round times for ping requests (3000+ms) and lots of packet drops.
    I upgraded both adapters from 2010 to 3052 according to your explanation. Upgrade went well, however they still do not communicate. Any ideas what this can be? Thanks in advance.


  84. Hi Zibri,
    (update, thaught i'd share the information)
    It looks like the problem is solved. I saved the prescale values to a file and then examined the contents. What i noticed was that the corresponding amplitude values to the tones were somewhat low. (most of them were below 0dB) This indicated a weak signal. Hence the signal loss and packet drops. I edited the amplitude values and now my ping round times are around 10ms, as suppose to the 3000+ms before. However, my network password and DAK password are not being saved, which causes a connection loss after a while.

  85. Have been frustrated by the Linksys PLE300 software utility that doesn't work with the x64 version of Windows. Managed to find a utility that works on Windows 7 x64. I assume it works for all other Intellon 6300 powerline adapters too,420081110140223#

    I can use it to set the keys, etc without having to use XP now.

  86. same problem as bert..

    got netcomm np201av INT6400 chips.. bricked trying to flash version

    flash said it was successful however then all errors.

    That was expensive.. they were only 2 weeks old.

    the Device Manager says:
    "Failed to initialise network interface- exiting' as soon as it starts.

    The Homeplug AV Utility you supplied starts ok and detects MAC as

    However doesnt pick up any remote devices and when you click the firmware update button it hangs for a bit before coming up with:

    Intellon Enabled Product

    I can then try to press update and it says:

    Read Module Failed with status: 0
    Reading PIB from device failed.

    I try netcomms own AV Utility which works a little better..

    As soon as it starts up it says
    Failed to initalize NVM image manager and straight away launches the firmware update file location window.

    However i dont have the firmware it needs as Netcomm dont have it on their website..

    Any ideas? or do i just go out and buy another pair?

    Thanks in advance.

  87. Have even been trying with the command line tool int6k.exe now. Still not working.

    When i try to update i run:

    int6k.exe -i 1 -N int.nvm

    and recieve the following response:

    eth1 00:B0:52:00:00:01 Flash NVRAM
    int6k.exe: Unknown error: Read timeout or network error

    looks like they are well and truly bricked.

  88. I have the same problem as Sage, same error messages. Think you should put note on here somewhere as it doesnt seem to like downgrading from the INT6400 FW I just bricked one adapter attempting this

  89. Issues with Devolo 200aveasy


    - sky netgear dg834gt router connected to devolo 200 aveasy to provide internet access and wireless network in study
    - desktop pc - hardwired to devolo 200 aveasy
    - Devolo wiress G router connected via powerline ethernet acting as bridge to boost wireless network in other part of house
    - netgear eva8000 video receiver hardwired to Devolo wirelessss G router
    - laptop using wireless network through out the house

    All devolo plugs running firmware 4.1.1 (the latest as far as I'm aware)
    Devolo wireless g router running firmware v2 (the latest as far as I'm aware)

    Software regularly used:-
    Devolo - configuration
    Devolo cockpit software


    I have a decent sized house - with the further devolo plug a run of about 30 meters away from the router and attached desktop computer.

    I have been running the above network with very little trouble, the occasional outage, but easily solved by reconfiguring the devolo passwords and assigning the av easy plugs and router to the network via the Devolo software. I get great speeds between the router supplying the internet and the desktop pc (both located in the same room) of anything upto 180mbps.

    The second router (the devolo wireless g) is located in the lounge 30m away and supplies the wireless network there along with the wired network for the netgear box and did get a reasonable connection speed not sure how strong as I didn't have the cockpit software at the time but I could browse the internet fine and could stream hd movies ok, even HD at times.

    However, all of that changed about 3 weeks ago. All of a sudden I can't get internet access in the lounge. I still get great connections speeds in the study, and the devolo router can be seen by the network (i.e. I can configure it by adding the mac address) but when I run the cockpit software the connection speeds are anything from 6mpbs to about 20mpbs, and when I try to connect to the internet all I get is a msg saying limted or no connectivity to the internet.

    I have tried everything - unplugging anything else from the home mains to see if that helps, swapping the plugs about, putting new ones in. But it seems that the signal through the house has deteriorated for some reason.

    So a few questions:-
    - would trying other brands of powerline plugs help?
    - is there a way to boost the signal of a power line adapter running 4.1.1 - I have read alot on this great post about v3... firmware and the ability to use an additional tool to configure - but nothing about 4.1.1
    - do all powerline plugs all really run on the same hardware? i.e. could I use different branded plugs with the devolo ones?
    - what is the gigabyte ethernet I've been reading about - would this help if I upgraded?

    I haven't tried the devolo support as yet as I tend to find forums so much more helpful.

    Also, has anyone else used the devolo cockpit software? the fact it shows the connection speeds is useful - everything else is sh*t - the help is laughable.

    Great info on here (the only I have found after a lot of searching) - perhaps we should start a proper forum?

    Am grateful for any help or suggestions.

    many thanks

  90. I have similar problems to Jim's. I used FW to regress the firmware to 3052 on a Bewan E200plus but the MAC address changed. I found this is the manual "WARNING: If new firmware encounters an unacceptable PIB upon coming out of reset, the MAC Address status bar will display (00:b0:52:00:00:03). This creates an unrecoverable scenario."
    Many subsequent attempts to return the MAC Address to its original have failed.


    Anyone tried FW ver 5?


    Firmware 4.4

    - Intellon Device Manager 3.0.3 (tuning utility).
    - WD Livewire utility (for easy FW upgrading/downgrading and setting NMK)

    BTW, there is no wrong if MAC changed from original to 00:b0:52:00:00:03. The device will work anyway. So, don't get cocky.

    PS. Failed to install Denovo's 4.4.1 on INT6300 adapter.. I'll check 5.0.1 later

  94. To everyone with 00:B0:52:00:00:01 trouble: try to downgrade from your current FW to that kind of PIB and NVM (search them in internet):
    via WD Livewire utility. After successful downgrading upgrade to any pair of new versions. And there is some chance that you'll see new "normal" MAC. But, as I said before, even with 00:B0:52:00:00:01 device is working..

  95. Any suggestions for upgrading the firmware on an INT5500CS chip (Linksys PLTS200)? Mine is currently at 1.6 and the utility for my new Netgear XAV5001 (replaced dead Linksys PLTE200) says it needs to be 1.8 or higher. Thanks.

  96. i have a TP-Link TL-PA211, which has currently FW v4.1 and INT6400 chipset. how do i manage it to upgrade this to devolo FW v4.4 ?

  97. Hi Dirk, I was wondering the same thing about my TL-PA201 and I decided to just take the plunge.

    I managed to upgrade my TL-PA201 V2.0 (Also INT6400 based) to the latest Devolo firmware (4.4 beta). When I first plugged it in the speed was much slower than usual, though over the last half-an-hour or so it's climbed back to about the same speed as the old TP-link firmware (About 140 Mbit). When I first plugged it in it reported about 90 Mbit and I was worried it might stay at that speed!

    I checked the PIBs and the MT2229, MT2294 and MT2295 PIBs were all for the AVmini which is Devolo's 3 LED Homeplug and it seemed like a good match. I flashed using the MT2294 PIB, but I'm not sure if that was the best one to use. If anyone could recommend a better PID then let me know.

    Anyway, I'm glad both my Homeplug's are still working. I was rather bored with the lack of firmware updates on TP-Link's site, so I couldn't resist having a play. :)

  98. Hi Dirk, I was wondering the same thing about my TL-PA201 and I decided to just take the plunge.

    I managed to upgrade my TL-PA201 V2.0 (Also INT6400 based) to the latest Devolo firmware (4.4 beta). When I first plugged it in the speed was much slower than usual, though over the last half-an-hour or so it's climbed back to about the same speed as the old TP-link firmware (About 140 Mbit). When I first plugged it in it reported about 90 Mbit and I was worried it might stay at that speed!

    I checked the PIBs and the MT2229, MT2294 and MT2295 PIBs were all for the AVmini which is Devolo's 3 LED Homeplug and it seemed like a good match. I flashed using the MT2294 PIB, but I'm not sure if that was the best one to use. If anyone could recommend a better PIB then let me know.

    Anyway, I'm glad both my Homeplug's are still working. I was rather bored with the lack of firmware updates on TP-Link's site, so I couldn't resist having a play. :)

  99. Zibri - help :( I upgraded two of my devices, no issues. The third device gives me the default mac - I am unable to up\downgrade. Can I sent you screenshots?

    Solwise 200av push button - tried to apply I cannot accept its bricked as I can communicate with it but not apply any firmware or pib.

  100. Installed 2007/08/16 on XAV101 now the speeds are bad and the light blinks orange. Can I revert back to standard Netgear firmware somehow?

  101. Close
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    Edit Blogger Cescelle said...

    I was looking around and noticed that the 3.0 version that I installed using the Simple Connect program changed the info on the XAV101 devices so the Netgear application does not recognize them and prompt me to upgrade. I tried changing the .pib file to match the 3.0.4 one that includes Netgear but the Simple Connect complains about the MAC address. Any ideas?

    March 26, 2011 1:39 PM

    Word verification
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    Listen and type the numbers you hear

    I was looking around and noticed that the 3.0 version that I installed using the Simple Connect program changed the info on the XAV101 devices so the Netgear application does not recognize them and prompt me to upgrade. I tried changing the .pib file to match the 3.0.4 one that includes Netgear but the Simple Connect complains about the MAC address. Any ideas?

  102. Here are two links for Windows x64 compatible software to configure Powerline AV adapters. If your vendor hasn't provided x64 software then one of these should work

  103. According to the release notes file. The bugs fixed in the Intellon 3.0.4 firmware that had existed in 3.0.3 are

    1. A hysteresis problem which prevented the throughput rate from recovering properly after a source of noise was
    removed. The hysterisis occurred when running UDP unidirectional traffic between two adapters in the presence of
    noise. When the noise source was turned off, the throughput rate should recover to 100%, but would occasionally
    recover to only 80%.
    2. A drop off in UDP throughput rate over many hours was corrected. This was related to the fix in 1) above. The
    symptoms were observed running bi-directional UPD traffice at 8k fps, 1460 byte packets. The observed drop in
    throughput was approximately 17%/
    3. Under the conditions of two adapters starting with factory defaults, the push button pairing did not use a randomly
    generated NMK.
    4. The NEK rotation feature was causing some devices to reboot every 24 hours.

  104. I get "Failed to initialise network interface- exiting' every time I run the Device manager - any ideas why

  105. Not sure, how many network interfaces do you have? Maybe it's trying to use the wrong network interface e.g. a virtual one? That's my only guess I'm afraid.

    Maybe try running it with escalated privileges as well if you're using Vista or above.

  106. I uploaded a new firmware version if you dare to try it :)
    I don't know what the pib file contains... maybe ClassB can be better but I don't know.

  107. I hit on this website whilst searching for a solution to unrecognised 200 mbps units some of which have buttons and some didn't. They had a variety of different firmware and some rejected the 'password' with an NMK error whilst others claimed it was the wrong password!. Four of them simply did not even show on Atheros PPU 6.0 build 002 under Windows 7 x64. I felt that I needed to load them all with the same firmware. Finally, when I could not find a version of Device Manager that worked with W7x64 I had a brainwave.

    I enabled my second network ic and attached the four unrecognised units to it in turn. They were seen by the Atheros software and I was able to enter the Network name whereupon they were immediately added and recognised in the other network without having to add passwords.

    Firmwares :-

  108. Well, you can sure mix them, but for perfect results it's better to have the same firmware and same PIB file.

    About win7 64, I have it and there are many device managers for firmware updates that work.

    I added a link to it just now.

  109. Hi Zibri,

    Where is the link you just added?


  110. Are you referring to 'Utility for firmware update (Supports all windows versions):' because this is simply the Power Packet Utility and the Atheros one is better. It's the only link I can find.

    I was looking for the Device Manager you referred to in your earlier posts.

  111. Atheros one is better? It's the same program!

    About the unfindable device manager, it's a mircale I found that one.

  112. The Atheros one can find it's database in Win 7 x64.

  113. Meaning what? The one I linked can upgrade the firmware and change the passwords from win7 64...

  114. Zibri, I am not trying to get into a confrontation with you or a competition for that matter. You are doing a great job here supplying info that is a great help to all that arrive here.

    I see you are a Virgo. So amI!! :-)

  115. I can see that ;)
    I'm not on any competition here!
    I was just trying to say that the one I linked is the atheros utility with branding...same functionality.

  116. If you want the latest utility it is available here and works with no spurious errors on 7x64. Download the CD contents and burn to install as it won't work unless it's on a cd.

  117. Yep.. that's the same I linked (same program)

  118. After updating my TP-Link Homeplugs I had some trouble finding a firmware upgrade utility that was compatible with the 4.4 firmware. After much searching I eventually came across this, I tested and it's also compatible with the latest firmware as well:

    I didn't notice there was already an upgrade utility mentioned in the blog post above until just now. But I've posted this one here as an alternative anyway.

  119. I usually update this post as new versions come out, but it's ok to have another mirror.

  120. TP-Link have just released 'new' firmware for the TL-PA201 V2.

    This is what appears in the TP-Link utility:

    Judging from the string above it looks like old firmware that's maybe been patched up. Does anyone know what the original firmware version was for the TL-PA201? I'd be interested to know.

  121. Thanks for this post. I have been pulling my hair out trying to the Zyxel's AWFUL software to work with my new PLA401v3's. I was able to get the Trendnet utility you linked to work without any hassle, and I was able to use it to load Zyxel's latest PIB+NVM (They have CE Class B and North American PIBs and a int6000-v4.1.2-0-2-X-FINAL.nvm NVM).

    This temporarily knocked my 3rd PLA401v3 device off the powerline network, but once I got them all communicating again I noticed a HUGE connection speed increase on all nodes (50%-ish)!

    Is there anything useful in the newer firmwares?

  122. what is the biggest difference between int6000 and int6300 chipsets?

    can i use the firmware of int6300 on a int6000 based chipset?


  123. Can INT6400 adapters be downgraded to the firmware or is it only INT6300 adapters?

  124. DM for 4.x fw:

  125. It doesn't work with Windows 7 64 bit :(

  126. Great find Jacsa! I just changed the MAC addresses of both my Homeplugs and updated the firmware. :)

  127. i have what appears to be a bricked adapter
    has a default mac address
    device manager reports SDRAM Update failed
    using DM or Avitar to try to update pib file results in
    Read module failed with status : 0
    reading pib from device failed
    trying softloader results in firmware download failed.
    any ideas?

  128. I replaced my crappy linksys plk300 that would continually have spiky network performance with new netgear XAVB5001, that are based on powerline av 500 spec, and these are amazing.

    I am getting very usable bandwidth out of these new adapters, with zero spikes or network dropouts. They were well worth the $100 on amazon. All I have to say is eff linksys, and their crappy support for powerline segment.

    These came loaded with firmware marked as v0.2.0.9NA, but a trendnet utility reported it as INT7400-MAC-5-0-5010-02-655-20101105-FINAL-D.

    I wish either intellon/atheros/qualcom would release a change log of what happened from 3.3 to 4.0 to 5.0.

  129. ededlee321: What kind of max throughput do you get on your HomePlug AV 500 adapters? I'm running 3 Zyxel HomePlug AV 200 ones and they're maxing out at below 50mbps with SFTP and even slower with SAMBA (Windows LAN file sharing). This is acceptable, however, considering my LAN is 100mbit and the only workable alternative to powerline for my situation would have been 54mbit wifi.

  130. Also, just spotted a possible new firmware version

    Direct link:

    The installer tool inside is dated Apr 1, 2011 and the archive is dated Sept 1, 2011.

  131. Has anyone tried this new firmware yet? I've got the ebuyer extra value plugs with the int6400 chipset, however they're only giving me about 60mbps.... hence I'm keen to try a firmware upgrade.

  132. A measured speed (real speed) of 60mbps is notmal for INT6400...

  133. This is an interesting thread, but...

    I tried downgrading my NP201AV to but ended up with a unit with an incorrect MAC address (00:b0:52:00:00:01) and that won't work on my EOP network.

    This is the same problem reported above by Bert (April 20, 2010), Sage (Aug 21, 2010), Craig (Sep 13, 2010) and PaulC (Oct 4, 2011).

    I can't apply any other firmware and I can't use Device Manager to attempt to fix it. Device Manager doesn't seem to work on Windows 7 - when starting it up I get the same error reported by Peter (May 14, 2011) "Failed to initialise network interface- exiting'.

    The lesson? Caveat emptor!

  134. Find an Xp computer, run device manager and set the mac address back.

  135. Here's an official Devolo firmware link:

  136. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post Zibri. And thank you, of course, for sharing all the information you've learnt.

    I'll see if I can get my hands on an XP machine (XP installed on a VMware Player VM machine didn't work).

    I just wanted to warn others like me that attempting to load newer/older firmware does not always work and can be akin to Alice getting lost down a rabbit hole.

    In my case, all I did was buy another pair of supposedly plug-them-in-and-they-will-just-work NP201AVs to extend my network and, 30 hours of my time later, I still don't have them working.

  137. If you carefully read all comments you will find your solution. Unfortunately that internal "device manager" was an old program only working with old OS.

  138. Windows XP inside VMWare Player should be fine, after all it's just Ethernet packets. I use Windows XP with VirtualBox to mess around with my Homeplugs. Did you make sure the network adapter was bridged with your VM?

  139. @Zibri - lol, I have forgotten how many times I've carefully read all the comments. The trick is knowing which of all these comments contains the relevant solution ;)

    @chrisw. Aha! I'll try again. Learning on the job here..

  140. @chrisw Glad to know that it can work in a VM, but I haven't been so lucky (yet). The Network Adapter is set to bridged (internet from within the VM works fine), but I get a "Device Manager Application has encountered a problem and needs to close" message when trying to start it up within the VM. All XP updates applied, including .Net etc.

  141. firmware version


    Utility Version v6.0.1.01B0004

  142. notinthisworld, thanks a lot, it works very well on my FreePlugs (shipped with v3.2, now running 4.5).

  143. hello zibri and everyone...

    how can im pairing my TL-PA211 powerline with Aztech repeater? i were "advice" by a salesman to buy this 2 items as i want to boost up my internet connection in my house... FYI, im connect my TL-PA211 directly to ADSL router and plug it to become HOmepLug but then.. i cannot pairing with the Aztech Repeater (wireless).. isk.. hope somebody can help me.. thank you. :)

  144. @nyt what chipset do your FreePlugs have? seems like posted v4.5 firmware is for AR6405 chipset, which is INT6400 with reduced functionality. I wonder if v4.5 supports all features of INT6400

  145. @ega2002 I can't tell, all I can say is that's it is an improvement over the previous firmware I was running. How can I see the exact chipset used?

  146. @nyt I think it may be not so easy... Could you tell me the exact model of your adapters? And what kind of improvement do you see after flashing v4.5 firmware?

  147. @ega2002 there's slightly less errors on a weak link, and speed is also a bit higher. chipset could be INT6400 (

  148. I have a pair of XAV101. I tried the HomeplugAV utility from here. Works fine. If I ever need to fix a bricked unit I know what to do. But this does not fix my problem. A few days ago I bought a new PC. It has a realtek Gbe Port. My old machine is now my server and has a realtek 10/100 port. Previously I had an Intel Pro 10/100 in my server (P4 3.8 Ghz). My new computer stutters during playback. The old one did not. Nothing changed. Same outlet, same cables, I just switched the server out for an AthlonX2 and this new machine (Phenom). I do not understand why it will not transmitt at full speed. When I try and run 1080p movies they stutter in the same places everytime. I checked the new machine and it plays 1080p lovely when it connected to the router or if the movie is on the HD. This makes no sense that a slower PC would play 1080p movies across THE SAME network and now it won't. Also, when I try and play 1080p from the new machine to the old machine it stutters as well over homeplugav. Again it plays perfectley when connected to the router or from the HD. Other PCs on the newtwork do the same. I removed the old server from the network so there are no extra PCs. I have checked everything from drivers, codecs and media players to no avail. I know it is the homeplug but I do not know why. A google search on Homeplug AV and GBe yielded nothing. Please help me. I am going mad.

  149. @Cerebral: Is the router 100mbps or 1gbps? It might be that you're piping data from the computer into the HomePlug AV adapter via a gigabit connection that is having to be choked down on the other end to a 100mbps one.

    Assuming you're using Win 7 on a new computer, try the following to reduce your network adapter's speed to 100mbps: click the network icon in the system tray / notification area, then "open network and sharing center" to open the network menu. Next, click "change adapter settings" on the left side, then right-click the active network adapter and select Properties. Now click Configure to open the device info for your network adapter, followed by the Advanced tab, then Speed & Duplex from the Property list. Finally, choose "100 Mbps Full Duplex" from the drop-down and then hit OK.

    You could also put a 100mbps network switch between your new computer and your HomePlug AV. I have an old router with a non-default static IP that I use as a switch by only plugging things into the LAN ports (including the HomePlug AV by my desk, which bridges to the main router in the bedroom whose WAN port is connected to the cable modem).

  150. You are correct. It is a Win 7 x64 on a new quad core (Phenom) w/HD 6870 1GB.
    I tried the speed and duplex method and although it DID improve network speed it did not increase it all the way. It stutters far less than it did before, however it still corrupts.
    I am switching to a gigabit router and will see if that works as I have 3 netgear gigabit units. If that fails I will try using one as a switch. If that fails I will repost. Thank you for your help.

  151. Dear all
    Thanks for your discussion before, that helps me a lot.
    However, I still have a question in by INT6400 based PLC.
    When it transfers data in LAN, the speed can up to 3.x MB/sec
    But when transfer data in the internet the speed is down to 500-700 KB/sec whatever the PLC signal is strong or weak.
    I am very sure my internet speed is good, at least to 1 MB/sec when testing.
    Is anyone also meets this problem like me? And how to solve it? Any advice is appreciated.

  152. Either I am very tired or I have dropped a bit of a bollock...

    Was having problems with my Zyxel PLA401 and found your site via Google. Downloaded the utility and firmware and now can not get the plugs to 'see' each other.

    AS this is for my 16 year old sons xbox it is the 'end of the world' hence why I am up at 1.03am trying to fix it.... Not the most computer literate person in the world so any suggestions?

  153. @BaldyBloke: Did you flash both units with the same firmware and PIB?

    Maybe try going through the quick start guide here if you haven't already:

  154. MSI ePower 200AV Kit II patched from INT6300-3.3 to INT6300-4.5. 91Mbps before, now 101Mbps. Thanks!

  155. Hi.

    Great post.

    Having issues with tl-pa211 when used to bridge IPTV multicast traffic. STB successfully joins multicast groups using IGMP, multicast traffic is received from ISP, but it does not traverse the homeplug link.

    Set top box uses IGMPv3. Any tests / known issues with igmpv3? Any way to disable IGMP snooping?


  156. Hi,

    I am running a mix of TL-PA201 and TL-PA211. At the moment, one of the links is getting 20-40% quality based on the TP-Link utility. My firmware is based on PIB class C. Where do I find the links to the latest PIB files?

  157. Hi,

    I have just upgraded my ALL168205 to FW and everything is OK.

    Anyway I have a question:

    is it possible to install FW version on a INT6300 even if the firmware is named int6000-v4.4.0-02-NW6__-5-X-FINAL.nvm?
    I assume it should be only for INT6000 devices, am I right?


  158. Yes, it is, but then you won't be able to use the full device manager to setup tones and everything.

  159. Thank you Zibri for the quick reponse.

    Is there any guide or howto to configure tones an other parameters properly?

    If I install 4.5 FW posted above and I use Utility Version v6.0.1.01B0004, am I able to manage the devices?

    Which is the more advanced device manager I can use?

    For my INT6300 is better to manage tones and other parameters or to install latest FW (4.5)?

    Thank you in advance.

  160. Sincerely I don't know much about all this stuff anymore.. but if you have any questions you can drop me an email (I'm italian too)

  161. Hi Zibri thanks for the great blog and everyone for the lots of the useful comments!
    I've hit a wall with my ruddy ZyXel PLA-401's - I have two old units, version 1 which work perfectly. I got another 2 later units PLA-401v3's that I want to add to the network. But they won't play ball - I have flashed the all the exactly the same firmware 3.3.4 with the same PIB but the new units just won't connect. I changed them all to "Public" - e.g no encryption. I tried setting the encryption on all of them too - Any ideas? Thinking I might just give up and run a nice old fashioned ethernet cable!

  162. That's very strange, Robert. If everything you wrote is true, there is no reason why they should not work. To make a better test, disconnect them all, then connect one of them and connect one of the "shy" ones on a not-so-distant-but-not-so-near plug. (Let's say 2-3 meters distance). Then you have to push the "security" button on the first one. If you don't have such button, you can use it's software to emulate the pressing of the button.
    They MUST work.

  163. Is it not possible to mix different PIB and NVM versions? I'm trying to flash a NVM with a PIB, and it fails.

    I discovered that Zyxel's PLA-407 firmware update comes with int6k.exe, which is a super-useful command-line tool to interact directly with the adapters (including flashing). In order to use it to flash, you have to upload the NVM and PIB and then use the -F option to do the actual flash. When I do this with the above PIB+NVM, I get a "Version Mismatch ... Device refused request" error:

    E:\Users\Public\Games\DOS\temp\NEWFOL~1\NEWFOL~1>int6k -i 1 -N TPL-307E-NVM-v4.5.0-0-1-X-FINAL.nvm
    eth1 00:B0:52:00:00:01 Write Firmware to Device
    eth1 50:67:F0:1F:CE:C5 Wrote TPL-307E-NVM-v4.5.0-0-1-X-FINAL.nvm

    E:\Users\Public\Games\DOS\temp\NEWFOL~1\NEWFOL~1>int6k -i 1 -P INT6400-cord6ft-HomePlugAV_NorthAmerica_2074R2_ZyXEL.pib
    eth1 00:B0:52:00:00:01 Write Parameters to Device
    eth1 50:67:F0:1F:CE:C5 Wrote INT6400-cord6ft-HomePlugAV_NorthAmerica_2074R2_ZyXEL.pib

    E:\Users\Public\Games\DOS\temp\NEWFOL~1\NEWFOL~1>int6k -i 1 -FF
    eth1 00:B0:52:00:00:01 Flash NVRAM
    eth1 50:67:F0:1F:CE:C5 Version Mismatch (0x5E): Device refused request

  164. Anybody is experienced with devices running chipset AR7400/1500 ?? There are number of products running over Powerline, but no product running over coax. I am trying to rebuild GP-L500M

    to coax cable which should not to be a big deal, but there are announce on Atheros site:

    "Supports up to 500 Mbps PHY rates over powerline and 700 Mbps PHY rates over coax"

    Anybody know how to enable higher rate on chipset (there are still only 500 rate if both devices are connected on one socket) i guess the higher MCS is somehow "locked" and maybe can be easy enabled (short connect two pins on chip or something similar) ??

    All knowledge are welcome...


  165. *Details on how to fix 00:B0:52:00:00:03 problem (when Device Manager and Solwise Firmware Tool wont let you) below:

    Thanks for a cracking blog post!

    I have 2 Belkin adapters that I have used for a while for powerline networking. I went to add 2 more only to find out that Belkin silently changed away from Intellon chips and had to go to Devolo instead to get another interoperable pair.

    I long suspected that the firmware differences between the different makes (Belkin stuck somewhere on 3 I think, Deveolo went up to 4.4) could be making my network run slower. I looked at the firmware and noticed that PIB and NVM files were used, searched Google for them and found this site.

    I went to V3 Firmware all around and tested and things improved! I then made the mistake of using the Deveolo firmware updater which tried to firmware update over the powerline network the remote adapters! It didn't tell me it was going to and in the process failed and screwed up the remote Devolo adapter.

    The latest Trendnet software and firmware linked to in the comments above successfully flashed the broken Devolo to working status. From there I could go fix the MAC and go to V3 again using Device Manager.

    I now have a more reliable powerline network. Thanks!!

  166. Glad to be of service!

    Donations are welcome.

  167. Looking for .pib file description. Want to edit carriers settings and there is no prescaler file manipulation ability in 500Mbps device utility, so only possibility is to edit pib directly.

    Anybody known something abou this?

  168. What is best 4xPort 500 Mbps unit?

    I'm considering the IZyXEL PLA4225KIT or the Netgear XAVB5004. What does anyone think of these two or can you recommend others?


  169. Hi, I'm using 2 Netgear XAV101 devices and a Solwise NET-PL-200AV-3P. The former are on INT6300 and the latter on INT64000. Whilst both sets seem to be talking with each other, neither manufacturers configuration utility will see the other device. Is there any utility out there, or anything I can do to set all devices showing (so I can manage them all together)?


  170. Zibri, is there any way to discover a "lost" device? For instance, if you can communicate with a device only over PLC, is there any way to know what NMK it is using or communicate to it somehow over PLC (not ethernet). I'm assuming in this case that you cannot press the button on the device, either. I will gladly make a donation if you can solve this for me.

  171. Zibri, whatever you discussed here apply to Homeplug AV (200 Mb/s) only. Where do I get help about old HomePlug (85mb) device such as Netgear XET1001 ?

    I have a pair of Belkin F5D4077 (HomePlug AV I believe), is it possible to add a Netgear XET1001 to comunicate to Belkin F5D4077 network?

  172. I have the Netgear XAV101v2 and was unable to find the device using the HomePlug utility mentioned above. I can find the device using the Netgear utility. Is there a trick that I'm missing?

  173. The XAV101v2 doesn't conform to the Homeplug AV standard thats why you're not seeing it..

  174. For anyone with an intellon 6400 chipset and wanting a new firmware, try this:

    included is a recent version of atheros's powerline utility (version Atheros now owns intellon and this one is generic so shouldn't complain about the brand of the unit when updating a firmware. This version works fine on windows 7 x64.

    I've also included a recent firmware for intellon 6400 chipsets (TPL-307E-NVM-v4.5.0-0-1-X-FINAL). This seems much more stable on my monster powerline 200 and 300 adapters. The adapters don't seem to lock up anymore and i've gone from 28-32mbps to 45-50mbps.

    Thought I'd share as I had problems trying to install the ones in the blog (as this page is pretty old and some of the utilities are brand specific).

  175. Great! Thanks! Can you also find a "device manager" as powerful as the full one I have on this page?

  176. I thought I'd mention here that I found some quite recent firmware for my TL-PA201 (from These are official TP-Link firmware files and work with the TL-PA501 utility and the utility Daniel mentioned above.

    I found these a while back so perhaps there's a newer one on, but I doubt it. I'd post a direct link but seems to be down at the moment (or just inaccessible to me perhaps).

    The firmware version is:

    Oddly, the date is the same as the older firmware, but I diffed the firmware and it's different. So not sure why this still has the old date? Can anyone enlighten me?

    I'm getting rates of 170 Mbps at the moment which is really good. In any case, if you use these adapters it's worth checking now and again for newer firmware. They don't seem to post them on any of the other local versions of their website I've looked at (inc. UK and US).

    The 4.5 firmware looks tempting but I've just decided to stick with this firmware, it seems to be performing quite well.

  177. i love ur blog post i have a bunch netgear xav5001 wich uses the AR7400/1500 chip set any idea on where i can find a good cross flash firmware like the classb firmware the xav5001 are not bad but they get laggy on noisy power lines sometime i am looking at maybe flashing the Trendnet TPL-401E firmware i was looking at solwise web site for there firmware but i cant find the pib and nvm files for there AV500 units any other suggestions

  178. hi chrisw, I cant seem to find the firmware youve mentioned here, done suppose you could send/upload could you? also have TL-PA201s. many thanks, Lee

  179. Hi, here is the software I mentioned, it's about 8 months old now, so recent(ish).

    Also I got the address of their Chinese website wrong in the previous email, which probably didn't help.

  180. Has anyone managed to find a device manager for the 4.5 firmware yet ? It would be GREATLY appreciated.
    I have upgraded my powerline devices without success but cannot now downgrade back to a previous version with the one posted above.
    Great blog btw,thanks Zibri for your excellent work.

  181. Hi, sorry. I thought I'd posted the direct link about a week back. Anyway, here is the link for the TP-Link firmware:

  182. The solwise forum has a version of the Atheros 7400 firmware:

    5.2.4-DNLA = INT7400-MAC-5-2-5245-03-1296-20120918-FINAL

    Flashed this onto my two TP-Link TL-PA511's and seems to be working well.

  183. Hi, I seem to have bricked my PLA401v3 by trying to flash 3052 onto it. The firmware upgrade seemed to be successful, but now it comes up with a MAC of 00:B0:52:00:00:03, and it won't connect to my PLA401v1. I know this problem may have been discussed before, but in my case the only function my adapter performs is to flash the power light on and off. I'd be grateful for any guidance at all!

  184. John, can you flash it back to the old version?

    I had a heck of a time trying to upgrade mine (same models I think), but it was 6 months ago so I don't remember the magic combination of flashing tool, firmware files and configuration that got them working.

    Note that they'll all likely need the same firmware version and network encryption password (if any) in order to be able to talk to each other.

  185. Thanks for replying!

    I'll give you a few more details of my problem, should answer your question too.

    If I connect the 'faulty' adapter to my computer, and run the utility provided on this (brilliant) blog, it's recognized but with a MAC of 00:B0:52:00:00:01 - different to what is printed on the unit. (note that at no point did I try to alter the MAC address).

    Under the 'Diagnostics' tab, The firmware is listed as 'BootLoader' and if I then try to flash it to 3052 again I first of all get the message: "cannot retrieve firmware type of local device" and then once I have selected the files and tried to upgrade, It gives me the message 'Upgrade Failed. Operation Aborted'

    Ive also tried this with 3348 with the same result.

    If I connect to device manager I seem to get the same issues as 'Paul' above (February 23, 2010 at 9:39 AM)

    Thanks, John

  186. That does sound like a bit of a brick situation, except that it seems you can still communicate with the device on some level.

    Maybe try using a different utility to flash the firmware?

    If you're trying to use a firmware update that comes bundled with an updater that won't let you easily extract the firmware files, you might be able to find the files in your temp folder (Start->Run->%temp%) while the installer is running.

  187. Yeah, I've essentially come to that conclusion, I'd just thought I'd see if anyone had any ideas before I gave up!
    I'll give your suggestions a go but I'm not hopeful, thanks anyway.


  188. Did you heard about QCA6410 chip? Power consumption 1.6W, AFE integrated (single chip solution against dual chip INT6400/1400), allegedly fully compatible with 6400.
    Anybody can confirm this information?

  189. Nope, but it sounds impressive. Hopefully it'll mean even cheaper Homeplugs over the next couple of years or so. Homeplug AV2 is just around the corner too, I found a link to a product sheet for a new Homeplug AV2 adapter when I was Googling (can't find it now though).

  190. BTW: Do you know how HomePlugAV2 want to achieve gigabit physical rate? Wider radio spectrum? IEEE1901 end on 67Mhz. I cant realize it can go higher without interfere to FM radio. We are rebuilding IEEE1901 devices into coax cable for use on TV wiring, where FM radio is present.

  191. Found this when Googling may be of use:

    '.TH int6k 7 "March 2013" "plc-utils-2.1.5" "Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit"'


    'This package is an open version of the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline
    Toolkit. It is distributed as a gzip tarball that contains source
    code and build streams for Linux, OpenBSD, MAC OSX and Microsoft
    Windows. It also contains documentation in docbook XML, HTML and
    plain text.'

    IMO that has all you need to build a new version Zibri.

    (Especially since Atheros bought out Intellon.)

  192. nice find! Did you find anything similar for int6000/int6300?

  193. Did you see this?

  194. I think a full compile of the tool link I gave would cover them all, as it's last update was March 2013.

    Also of note:
    Observe that no device address is needed because Atheros powerline devices all use address 00:b0:52:00:00:01 when in bootloader mode.

    The whole tool kit is here:

  195. Awesome! Looking forward to playing with this. I've been looking for a good Linux-based PLC tool for a while, this looks like it could be the one.

  196. This looks really good, now someone just needs to write a GUI for Linux :)

  197. No, chrisw. Now YOU need to learn to issue a command in a shell!

  198. This cable is a Type-A Male to Sort-A Male USB 2.0 cable rated up to 480Mbps.

    It is employed to extend the space between your USB 2.0 peripheral (mouse, keyboard etc.) that is equipped with a sort A male connector and another device such as a USB Switch Box.


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